Shipping Policy
Local Delivery ( Only in Kuwait )
Delivery is expected between 24-72 hrs max
There is a one time delivery charge per day .
Every return or exchange placed, a delivery fee will be charged per order.
if pre order , then the order delivery process takes 15 - to 30 days min for local orders .
International Shipping ( not applied to Kuwait/ shipping destination is other than Kuwait )
for pre order , the order delivery process takes 15 - to 30 days min for international orders .
-(Import duties,fees, and VAT are not included) for any order that is placed and addressed to ship outside of the state of Kuwait. in addition charging one shipping fee .-in case of order delivery refusal or delay in receiving the order shipment by by the recipent, the charges will apply for any duties,taxes and shipping feel applied on the order and be duducted from te orginal amount of the order and recipent will receive the deduction bill indiactiong the charges deduction.
Express DHL service is provided for shipping delivery within 3-7 bussiness days after order process completion.-free shipping label returns and exchange are applicable.-Please, consider any potential delays occur through customs clearance, incomplete shipping address (including phone number with international phone code no. ) provided in checkout or payment failure as we try to eliminate all possible delays.